Monday, March 1, 2010

I HAD to do it !

This is the BEFORE pic from my master bedroom.

Kind of cramped. I got the mantle from craigslist for 40.00 a few months ago and it looked so pretty but I just can't be in cramped spaces!!

So we arranged the furniture and now I use it as a headboard!!

And the biggest thing we did in the room over the weekend was...........

tore out the nasty carpet!!! Yeah!!! We only have 1 bedroom left with carpeting!!!! As you can see in this old pic from November the ugly red carpet!!! Why red???? This disgusting carpet was all over the house!!!! Even in the dining room- glad that's all GONE!!!!
Here is the room now!!
The big king size mattress is under the mantle and the yucky carpet is gone!!
we painted the concrete floor a color to match with the wood floor we have through out the house, but because of the budget we did not want to spend money on the wood floor right now- we simply painted it to blend with the wood. From afar when looking into the room- you don't even notice it is painted concrete. I plan on buying a few throw rugs,if Bentley don't ruin them on me!!
The chandy is new too. I found it at the thrift store for 3.00 and painted it white and added the crystal prisms and silicone bulbs!! All for less then 20.00 and it looks sp pretty. My kids think it looks like something from the haunted mansion!!!

At night it looks super cozy in there!! Ohh...I didn't make my bed either....
Hey I never said I was the perfect housewife!!! LOL
Also over the weekend we rearranged the living room. I just needed more space!! On the weekends we can have up to 10 kids in the house and it gets cramped!! Then we all gather around to play Guitar Hero or Rockband and so it was tight!!
Now we have plenty of room for wii bowling too!!

This is the view from the foyer. It feels alot more spacious now. Plenty of room to even throw a big air mattress if need be!!
Have a great week my friends!

1 comment:

Happy To Be/ Gl♥ria said...

Just wonderful girl...I did the painted concrete on my sunroom and I love it as it wipes up real easy easy...Now that mantle is to die 4 girl...Our Craigs list sucks pond water here ha ha!! unless I want car parts to decorate with ha ha!! Hope you als have a GREAT week my friend...Hugs and smiles Gl♥ria